
Postcolonial Intimacies
4 min readSep 19, 2020

I dedicate this poem to professors.

Let’s dive in brilliant professor.


Won’t buy me food

Won’t buy me a home

Won’t feed my children

Won’t carve out a life among hearts of stone


Won’t coach me through writing a mauscript,

or increase my publications!

I mean for funding, imagine such a justification.

just saying for clarification


On job descriptions, I hate to tell

Brilliance isn’t an accepted qualification

For a new hire, with my origin, and accent

Brilliance turned out to be a bit of a hard sell!


I must say is an unrequired skill for those

who have merit

and heaps of privilege spill


Won’t show my intellect,

or convince my colleagues that I have some

Since having children in the academy

apparently diminishes a woman’s intellect to none


Won’t make me a more respected immigrant



Postcolonial Intimacies

I write drafts of poetry and short stories about language, education, and war