What Can The All-Witnessing Tell Us?

In Arabic, the word “Shaheed” has multiple meanings. It could mean “martyr,” but it also means “all-witnessing,” which is sometimes understood as one of the names of God. But what happens if, on the human level, we didn’t understand it as martyrdom and started thinking of those killed involuntarily in war as “all-witnessing”? What truths can genocides and massacres tell us? What are those who murder and kill civilians in wars trying to hide by killing the “all-witnessing”? What truth are they so afraid of having come out that the “all-witnessing” may tell? What lies are those machine guns, and war planes guarding so viciously with restless bloodshed? What truth are they working so hard to hide? We must ask these questions when the mass graves are dug again to line up more “all-witnessings” and then reopened.



Postcolonial Intimacies

I write drafts of poetry and short stories about language, education, and war